Big Questions Day

Big Questions Day

Questions that inspire our work to provide space and time for students to think:

  1. How can student agency be maximized as a powerful tool for learning?
  2. How can we create sustainable structures that provide teachers professional time to collaborate and prepare high-quality lessons?
  3. How might our Tiger Traits and Core Values inspire the design of Big Questions Day?
  4. How can we create time and space to make sense of phenomena, generate questions, and solve problems using the three dimensions of science together?

Our experienced teachers will personalize each student’s learning through careful observations of her development and then partner with you, her parents, to work together at school and home in ways that help our youngest learners grow.

1. Building Community – When students feel a profound sense of belonging, they can achieve more than we ever thought possible.

  • Campfire Meeting – Whole group routines that celebrate our collective identity as defined by our Tiger Traits and Core Values
  • Tile wall that expresses who we are over time as a school
  • Wonder wall to gather our questions that we are thinking about

2. Wellness – A good education promotes mental health, happiness, resilience, and academic achievement.

  • Wellness studio time – an eclectic choice of studio time where adults and students seek peace, balance, and companionship
    • Yoga, Cooking, Puzzles, Nature Walks, Poetry, Embroidery, Origami.
  • Wellness Center – a place to seek peace, balance, and companionship in our work to regulate our emotions throughout the week.

3. Agency – Choice and real opportunities to design one’s own learning experiences within a passionate learning community

  • Studio-Based Specials – students seek the answer to their big questions through self-designed projects and work in art, music, maker space, and production studies with the guidance of teachers and peers.
  • Science Lab – using the science and engineering practices, students seek answers to their big questions through phenomena-based learning that provides the anchor experiences that support the science work in the classroom.
  • Independent Reading Projects – Where reading is valued, children set big questions to seek independent reading projects.  
    • Solid fundamentals (K-1), Solid proficiency in comprehension (2-3), Reading to change the world (4-5).

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Ans Friday Newsletter

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